DNC Scrub Your Sierra Interactive CRM Contacts
Easily verify all of your Sierra Interactive leads against the national Do Not Call list while checking for bad or undeliverable email addresses using Verify by Call Action.
Below is a quick overview of the DNC verification workflow using Verify.
Easy 3-step Process to Check Your Sierra Interactive
Export Your Sierra Interactive Contact Data as a CSV file.
Upload your list to Verify by Call Action
Import your Verify DNC scrubbed data back into Sierra Interactive
Let's get started now.
1. Exporting Sierra Interactive Contacts for DNC Check with Verify
This should take less than 5 minutes to complete.
Access the Sierra Interactive Lead Export Tool:
Log in to your Sierra Interactive account.
Click on the gear icon in the upper blue toolbar to access settings.
Select the Lead Export option from the dropdown menu at bottom left.
Reason for Export; "DNC check with Verify by Call Action"
Section 1.2 Leads with Status; You can select All or exclude Archive, Junk, Do Not Contact, Blocked
Initiate the Export Process:
Reason for Export; enter "DNC check with Verify by Call Action"
In section 1.2 Leads with Status (Note: You can select All or exclude Archive, Junk, Do Not Contact, Blocked)
Click the green Continue button.
Select the following Fields to Export
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Secondary Email
- Phone Number
- Date Registered
- Source
- Address
- City
- State
- Zip
Click Continue
Select Order section, leave as is.
Click Continue to start downloading your contact list as CSV file.
Import: Include Header & Row in the Sierra Interactive export file
Click Export
Download the Sierra Interactive Lead Export File:
Once the Sierra Interactive lead export is complete, a CSV file containing your contacts will be available for download in the Lead Export Task view.
Click on Gear icon to top navigation
Click on Lead Export
Click on the green file name to save CSV file to your computer
(Note the name & location of the Sierra Interactive export CSV file on your computer to easily find and upload into your Verify for DNC scanning)
Here's a video of the export process to help you
Note: ✅ Verify can accept CSV files up to 200mgs which can be a few million records. If your CSV file is larger than 200mgs, segment into smaller lists to upload individually.
Next, we will create a Verify tool account and upload your Sierra Interactive data.
2. Upload Your Exported Sierra Interactive CSV File to Verify
Next, you will need to create an account on Verify to upload your Sierra Interactive list for the DNC scan. Here's the step-by-step guide.
Upload your Sierra Interactive CSV file
Click blue Upload & Verify Contacts button
Allow up to a few mins for your CSV file to upload into Verify
View your free Contact Data Audit report dashboard
Select Plan type (Phone or Phone + Email) to Start DNC Scrub
(Note: Depending on size of the file this may mins or up to 1hr to scrub. You can leave window and you will be notified via email when scrub is completed)Click Export CSV to download your Verify scrubbed CSV file to your computer.
Note: when you export the CSV file it will be named: verify_contacts_(your list name).csv
Next, you are ready to import the DNC scrubbed file back into your Sierra Interactive account and use Tags to filter the scrubbed contacts in your CRM.
Sierra Interactive has a cap of importing 5,000 records at a time from a CSV file. You may need to break-up the Verify scrubbed file into smaller groups which we will show you next.
Verify CSV Export File Headers & Filed Information
Here are the basic name, phone, email and address fields.
These fields will map directly to your Sierra Interactive site via the Import wizard.
Verify Phone Scrub Fields
Below is the two primary fields of the verify phone scrub results with possible outcomes.
Phone DNC Registered: Yes = Listed on DNC, No = Not listed
Phone Deactivated: Yes = reported deactivated or reassigned in last 6 months, No = Not deactivated in last 6 months
You'll likely want to be able to filter your Sierra Interactive contacts by these primary filters as they indicate if the phone number is listed on the National Do Not Call registry list.
Verify Email Scrub Field Headers
These are the primary email scrub results with the headers. You can map all of this data into a note in Sierra or create custom tags using the field data.
We recommend filtering by the following:
Email Deliverability: Deliverable = valid email, Undeliverable = bad email
Email Score: numeric value. Higher is better quality email. Suggest 70 or higher.
Now that you Sierra Interactive leads are scrubbed against the DNC and emails verified, you can import the results back into using the following steps.
We have also created a Zapier workflow to easily update your leads using the Verify CSV file if you wish to skip the following step.
3. Importing Verify DNC Scrub Contacts Into Sierra Interactive
To import contacts from a CSV file into Sierra Interactive without creating duplicates and to assign tags, follow these steps:
Prepare Your Verify DNC Scrubbed CSV File for Sierra Interactive:
Sierra Interactive has a maximum record import size of 5,000 records.
You may need to filter the scrubbed CSV file into smaller segmented files as indicated above.
Add Tags: Include a column for tags in your CSV. Assign relevant tags to each contact, ensuring these tags exist in Sierra Interactive for easy segmentation.
Recommend CSV Lists to Import to Sierra Interactive
Suggested Email Only Contacts: Filter your CSV file using the filter below to import that you should follow-up with only via email since contacts have phone numbers that are registered on the national Do Not Call registry or recently Deactivated and Reassigned but have a valid email address.
DNC Registered = Yes + Email Deliverability = Deliverable; this is a group of contacts that will you want to email only since the phone numbers is registered on the DNC with valid email addresses.
DNC Registered = No + Phone Deactivated = Yes + Email Deliverablity = Deliverable; this are phone numbers that may be deactivated and reassigned to a different person with deliverable email address.
Likely Good Contacts: This filtered CSV file would be phone is not on DNC, not deactivated and the email is valid.
DNC Registered = No + Phone Deactivated = No + Email Deliverability = Deliverable; this would be your contacts NOT on the DNC, phones have not been deactivated or reassigned in last 6 months with valid email addresses.
All Bad Emails: This filtered list would be all contacts with bad email address that
are undeliverable. You'll want to tag these to prevent unnecessary bounce rates that will hurt you email reputation.
Email Deliverablity = Undeliverable; this are all bad email addresses that will bounce. You should avoid emailing this addresses. When you import these, add a tag like Bad Email to segment your contacts.
Pro Tip: Use ChatGPT to segment your CSV lists easily and export as CSV files. Always check the file to make sure it looks correct.Remember max list import size into Sierra Interactive is 5,000 records. Get creative on your imports and tagging.
You can also include all of the phone data and or the email data as a Note when importing the contact records.
🛑 Deactivate Sierra Interactive Automations:
Before importing the DNC scrubbed CSV file, disable any or all active automations in Sierra Interactive to prevent unintended actions during the import.
Click on Gear icon
Access the Lead Import Wizard:
Click on Gear Icon and scroll down to select Lead Import Wizard
Review and click box to accept the Acceptable Use Policy
Click Upload a CSV File
(Note: You may need to upload multiple segmented CSV list with max size of 5,000 as indicated above)
Upload and Map Data:
You may also view the Sierra Interactive help docs here.
Select your CSV file for upload.
On the Map Your Data screen, ensure each CSV column is correctly mapped to the corresponding Sierra Interactive fields.
Use the Edit button if you need to adjust field mappings using the drop-down menu as needed.
If you created a custom column with tags, you can map the tags column to the "Tags" field to apply tags during import.
Pro Tip: Map all phone & email scrub data as a Note in Sierra Interactive.
In the Map your data window, you can map all of the following Verify CSV fields and insert the data as a note. At each of these records select the Add to Note option from the drop-down as per the image below.
Phone DNC Registered
Phone Deactivated
Email Deliverability
Email Score
Email Auto-Correct
Email Valid Format
Email Free
Email Fake
Email Catchall
Email Role
Email SMTP Valid
Email MX Record Found
Once you have all data correctly mapped, start your import.
Click Save and Import
Next, if you segmented specific list, you can add one or more tags based on the specific list you imported.
Next, we are re-importing all of the leads that originally came from your Sierra Interactive account. These will all be considered Duplicates which is okay. Here's how to handle those files.
Manage Duplicate Contacts:
Sierra Interactive identifies duplicates using email addresses and phone numbers.
When duplicate leads are imported, no existing contact data or agent assignments will be changed.
Additional contact information (such as secondary phone or secondary email) will be added when not already present.
Notes, tags, and other related items will also be added to the existing lead history when available.
If duplicates are detected, Sierra Interactive will prompt you to merge contacts or skip duplicates.
Select Import Duplicates to merge the contacts.
Complete the Import:
After verifying all fields are correctly mapped.
Click Save and Import to initiate the upload.
Once the import is complete, confirm that contacts have been added without duplication and that tags are correctly applied.
Note: You may need to repeat the above steps for each list depending on the size of your list, since max import size if 5,000 records.
Reactivate Automations:
After confirming the successful import of all your Verify dnc scrubbed contacts, reactivate any automations that were previously disabled.
By following these steps, you can effectively import contacts into Sierra Interactive, avoid duplicates, and ensure proper tag assignment and segment your contact lists appropriately.
Questions About DNC Scrubbing Sierra Interactive?
If you have any questions about Verify DNC scrub, feel free to contact our live support at bottom right.
Sierra Interactive users can also contact Sierra support for the data export and import.