Upload a CSV File to Scan Phones for DNC & Emails for Deliverability
Easily verify all your phone numbers and email addresses.
Prepare your CSV File to Upload to Verify
You will need a CSV file with the first row being column headers for the data. Your file should include the following headers and data. If you are a Follow Up Boss user you can do a simple export with all columns.
Name or First and Last Name
Note: Your CSV file should be less than 200 megs. Follow Up Boss users can delete the Note column to make the file smaller.
Upload CSV
Login or Create a Free Verify account
Enter a list name
Select your CSV file
Press Upload and Verify
Upload process will depend on size of the file. Larger files may take a few minutes.
Once file is uploaded, you'll get a see your free contact data audit report from Verify showing you DNC numbers, Reassigned / Deactivated numbers and Email scan results.
Ready to scan your CSV of contacts?