Connect CallAction to Zapier My Apps
Leverage Zapier and CallAction workflows to help your sales and marketing automation processes. Save time by eliminating data-entry into CRM's or automate your lead follow-up and nurturing.
Simple Steps to Integrate CallAction with Zapier
Get your CallAction Zapier Invite
Connect Your CallAction App
Build your CallAction Zaps
Let's get started.
Get CallAction Zapier Invite
Click & Copy your CallAction Zapier API key
Use new two-way CallAction Zapier integration named (1.0.0). If you have the older (Legacy) version, you'll need to update. Here's how to get the new version.
Add New Two-Way Zapier App
Login to your Zapier
Click on My Apps
Search for (1.0.0) by Invite
Click on Invite
Post your CallAction API key
Start Building your CallAction Zapier Zaps
You are now ready to start building your Zapier workflows.
Get a Free Trial to Test with Zapier
If you are not currently a CallAction user, you can signup for a free trial to test some workflow automation using CallAction and your favorite Zapier Apps.