CallAction Follow Up Boss Inbox App
Leverage the CallAction Inbox app with our embedded app in Follow Up Boss to streamline your text communications while working in Follow Up Boss.
What is a Follow Up Boss Inbox App?
The FUB inbox is the primary view of the FUB mobile app that presents a unified view within the FUB CRM where calls, text and emails are centrally shown.
The inbox allows you to quickly see and respond to incoming messages from various phone numbers including your CallAction call tracking and text campaign automations.
CallAction's FUB Inbox app
Installing the CallAction inbox app will allow you to see all of your incoming text responses to CallAction text campaigns directly in the FUB inbox so that you never miss a message, including your FUB mobile app.
Combine all of our Follow Up Boss integrations like the Inbox app with our embedded app on your desktop and you can then immediately reassign any of our pre-written text campaign templates with the click of a button. You can also check email deliverablity and do DNC scrub your Follow Up Boss CRM contacts using our standalone Verify DNC scrubber.
Inbox App Advantages
We have thought through the daily workflow process to create the best user experience.
Get Notifications via the FUB Notifications
Conversations automatically close upon responding to keep your inbox clutter-free
We display the incoming CallAction number & campaign name for easier tracking
Text messages are sent directly from your CallAction number to maintain the consumer
Instantly reassign a new follow up campaign from within the same window with our FUB embedded app
Install the CallAction FUB Inbox
Get the Follow Up Boss Inbox App now.