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How to Format a CSV file to Upload into CallAction
How to Format a CSV file to Upload into CallAction

Learn how to correctly upload the contacts list without making any mistakes.

Updated over 3 months ago

Before running a Revive Campaign, we need a simple CSV (comma-separated value) file to upload and import old leads into CallAction. If the format is not done correctly, errors will always occur.

Sources of Errors:

  1. Columns are in the wrong format.

  2. The list contains numbers with an invalid area code (phone numbers that use 0 or 1 as the first digit).

  3. The list contains toll-free phone numbers: 800, 888, 877, 866, 855, 844, and 833.

  4. The list exceeds the maximum number of contacts permitted for upload. The recommended maximum number of contacts per upload is 500.

When creating the list, we recommend using Google Sheets and downloading it as a Comma-Separated Values (.csv)

You may also use Microsoft Excel and save it as a CSV file.

The system can only successfully upload the contacts if the file is in the correct format. Columns of the CSV file must be in this exact order:

  • Phone: The phone number needs to be a mobile number. Remember that you are trying to re-engage with your leads via SMS as we cannot send them a message on landline numbers. Also, make sure that all of the numbers are in the same format ie xxx-xxx-xxxx

  • Email: Email address of the leads

  • First Name

  • Last Name

Optionally, you can also include additional information like address and tags in the upload CSV file format (Note: If you are missing data, leave the field blank):

  1. Phone (area code and phone number) - Required

  2. Email Address - Required

  3. First Name - Required

  4. Last Name - Required

  5. Address

  6. City

  7. State (Two Letter Abbreviations Only)

  8. Zip

  9. Tags (you can import individual tags for each client; you must include the ";" semicolon as a divider of tags)

Please contact our support team for more details if none of the aforementioned solutions worked. We offer live chat seven days a week.

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