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Auto-Tagging Contacts by Month Created
Auto-Tagging Contacts by Month Created

Contacts captured in CallAction are auto-tagged with the month created allowing you to easily filter contact lists for follow up & nurturing

Updated over a week ago

Contacts tagged by Month created in CallAction

Streamline your lead follow up and lead nurture. Filter your contact list / conversation view by tags of the date a contact was created in CallAction. 

Quickly build dialer call list or filter for highly targeted drip campaign follow up sequences based on the month created. 

How to Filter Contacts by Month Created

  1. Login to CallAction

  2. Go to Conversation view

  3. Click on Filters

  4. Search by Tags

  5. Enter Month and click on auto-suggest to select (note: system uses abbreviations)

You can also filter contacts by year which is also auto-tagged. 

Best Practices with Month Auto-Tagging

Some recommended workflows using the month created tag. 

  • Filter by Month to build call list for outbound monthly outbound calling using the dialer.

  • Build highly personalized drip campaigns referencing month created.

  • Quickly filter by month to see total number of leads per month. 

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