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Getting Started
Getting Started

Learn how to setup CallAction and get started using your in your business.

82 articles
How to Setup the CallAction recommended Follow Up Boss Column View
How to Turn ON / OFF Browser Notifications for CallAction
How to Call from the Follow Up Boss Embedded App using your CallAction Number
Preparing for Your CallAction Onboarding Call
Get Ylopo Leads from Follow Up Boss into CallAction Automatically to Start Drip Campaign
How to Schedule a Campaign
How to Get Leads from Follow Up Boss into CallAction to Start a Campaign
Get Started with Follow Up Boss and CallAction
CallAction App
Schedule Text Messages in Follow Up Boss
Send a Text Message from CallAction
Rename Voicemail Message File Name
First Name, Last Name, Full Name Drip Campaign Merge Field
Setting Up CallAction on Your Phone
CallAction App
Turn On CallAction App in Follow Up Boss
Email Broadcast
Missed Call Nudge Text Follow UP
How to Filter Phone Numbers
Bulk Assign Drip Campaigns
Schedule Text Message
How to Reconnect with Past Clients
Drip Campaign Message Types
How to Follow Up with Leads in CallAction
Revive Leads
Record Your Basic Voicemail Drop Scripts
Drip Campaign Message Scheduling
Add Notes
Call Automations
VOIP Calling with Browser Calls
Upload / Import Contacts
Missed Call Follow-Up Drip Campaign
Filter Tagged Contacts
Add Tags to Campaigns
Add Tags
Manage Tags
Missed Call Voicemail Drop Follow Up
Email Collection Tool
Record Your First Voicemail Message
Add CallAction Email Forwarding Address to Gmail
Add CallAction to Phone Home Screen
Lock User Account Settings
Assign a Contact to Another User
Selecting User Schedules on the Lead Router
Creating a User Schedule
Add a New Contact to Start a Text Conversation
End or Resume a Paused Drip Campaign
Drip Campaign End Date
Assign CallAction Phone Number to User
Get Started with CallAction
CallAction User Interface Tour
Drip Campaign Interface
Drip Campaign Templates
Call Broadcast Fallback Settings
Merge Fields
Email Collection System
Attach Drip Campaigns to Calls & Emails
Set a CallAction Text Alert Ringtone
Personalize Your Text Messages
Email Settings
Record & Upload Voicemail / Audio Messages
Activate Your CallAction Phone Number
Text Tool
Call Follow-Up Text
vCard / Contact Info Text Message
Lead Export Integration
Call Recording Settings
Whisper Message Settings
Lead Broadcast
Call Broadcast Lead Router
Add Extra Phone Numbers
Upload Files to Media Library
Video Text Drip Campaigns
Create a Drip Campaign
Text Tool Drip Campaigns
Attach Drip Campaign to a Contact
Stop a Drip Campaign
Share Drip Campaign Templates
Create Canned Text Response Templates